I Am More Than My Past – So are You : Let’s Shape a New Future Together
From crime, addiction and cancer to wild adventures highlights that I am “More than my past”. I wrote and published a book, “Live a Life to Die For”, it’s my story of transformation, I hope that others (maybe you) will read it and understand that there is no limitation to what human beings can achieve. If there is a message to this book it’s that I’m just an ordinary guy who went out and did extraordinary things.
Roger, is an Ambassador for ‘Hope and Vision Communities” https://hopeandvision.org.uk/our-supporters/ambassadors.
Hope and Vision Communities work with people who have successfully left treatment for addiction but need a new place to call home. We rent houses in the Reading area on behalf of our residents, so they have a safe place to go after treatment. We provide family sized homes not multi occupancy housing. There’s a real sense of camaraderie with men cooking meals together and supporting each other through the ups and downs of life.

Roger, is an Ambassador for ‘The Forward Trust‘.
The Forward Trust empowers people to break the cycles of addiction or crime to move forward with their lives. Since 1991, we have been working with people to build positive and productive futures. We believe that anyone is capable of lasting change, whatever their past, as celebrated in our More Than My Past campaign. Our services have supported thousands of people to make changes to create better lives with jobs, family, friends and a sense of community.
#livealifetodiefor #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx #cancerresearchuk #SussexCancerFund
Read more about all the adventures in my book LIVE A LIFE TO DIE FOR