• Camping,  Camping / Equipment & Accessories,  Critical items you ‘Need’ to Survive an Adventure,  My Blog

    Hatchet / Axe : A Must-Have Tool for Every Survival Kit

    Your Hatchet / Axe, is an indispensable item for your Camping and Bushcraft needs; it’s an essential item to be included in any backpacking survival kit. Versatility: A hatchet or axe can serve multiple purposes in a survival scenario, making it an incredibly versatile tool. It can be used for chopping wood, which is essential for building shelters and starting fires. Firewood Collection: One of the primary uses of a hatchet or axe is to collect and process firewood. In a survival situation, having access to firewood is crucial for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help. Shelter Building: A hatchet or axe can be used to cut branches and logs…

  • Camping,  Camping / Equipment & Accessories,  My Blog,  Overlooked Survival Items

    Sleeping Bag: Ultimate Comfort and Warmth for Outdoor Sleep

    A Sleeping Bag is your must-have when ‘Sleeping under the Stars’. An average person can survive up to 3 Hours outside of the body’s core temperature** Choosing the right sleeping bag is like picking the perfect companion for your adventures. With a plethora of styles, sizes, and features available, it becomes a deeply personal decision tailored to your preferences and needs. There’s a diverse range of options, from singles to doubles, square-shaped to snug mummy designs, each crafted to cater to specific requirements. Some boast water-resistant materials, others feature antibacterial fabrics, and a few even come equipped with built-in mosquito nets, offering not just comfort but also protection. From camping…

  • Camping,  Camping / Equipment & Accessories,  Critical items you ‘Need’ to Survive an Adventure,  How To's,  My Blog

    “FOOD” – Is The Ultimate Fuel for Your Body

    An average person can survive up to 3 Weeks without Food Our body and brain require a steady supply of food and nutrients: without the body’s many systems will begin to deteriorate. The effects may include you feeling tired, weak, cognitive changes and ultimately organ failure. Transform Your Health: Unleash the Benefits of Proper Nutrition Energize Your Life: How the Right Food Choices Can Fuel Your Body Optimize Performance: Food is Your Body’s Best Fuel Unlock Vitality: Food is the Ultimate Source of Energy for Your Body Healthy Living: Harness the Power of Food to Boost Your Well-being When on an Adventure – I recommend freeze dried meals for your health, enjoyment and survival.…