• Cardio
    Cancer,  My Blog,  Recovery

    Proven Strategies for Enhancing Cardiovascular Health : What You Need to Know

    Key aims of cardio/aerobic exercises are crucial for maintaining overall health and fitness. These types of exercises primarily focuses on improving the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Understanding the aims of cardiovascular training can help you develop a more effective workout routine and achieve your health goals. Consistency is Key: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Warm-Up and Cool Down: Always start with a warm-up to prepare your body and end with a cool-down to aid in recovery. Monitor Your Heart Rate: Use a heart rate monitor to ensure you are…

  • Cancer,  My Blog,  Recovery

    Cold Water Shower : Energize your Mind, Body, and Immunity

    Embracing the Cold Stepping into that cold shower initiates a daily journey toward resilience. The first moments of icy water serve as a reminder of inner strength. With each deliberate breath, you welcome the invigorating challenge, understanding that you’re nurturing both your mental and physical health. The shock of the cold water becomes a source of vitality that energizes you throughout the day. Self-Mastery This practice equips you with a mastery over your mind and body. By intentionally subjecting yourself to discomfort, you cultivate a mental fortitude crucial in handling highly stressful situations. Through enduring the chill, you develop a resilience that allows you to approach life’s challenges composed and…

  • Cancer,  Recovery,  Speaking

    My Personal Journey to Recovery: Creating a ‘Life You Love’.

    My Journey in Recovery was from Crime, Addiction, and Cancer to Wild Adventures In my recovery journey, I’ve learned that while I cannot always control the events that occur in my life, I have complete control over my responses to those events. It is our response that ultimately determines the outcome. This is the remarkable and inspiring true story of a man who transformed his life from a violent criminal and alcoholic to a charity worker, extreme adventurer, and world record holder. Roger Davies has faced the harshest of challenges: enduring the extreme cold of the Arctic, the searing heat of the Sahara, and the relentless North Atlantic. Remarkably, he…

  • action-in-remission
    Cancer,  Recovery

    Embracing My Life Beyond Cancer: Inspirational Stories and Practical Advice

    Chemotherapy killed my Cancer cells: Thanks NHS Drawing from personal experience, initiating your path to recovery and improved health begins with gradually integrating a routine featuring daily walks, yoga sessions, and dedicated stretching exercises. Embracing walking as a cornerstone offers a simple yet powerful entry into aerobic activity. Action in Remission from Cancer – Knowledge without practical application is merely idle chatter…. Personally, I’ve discovered that committing to 45 to 60-minute walks, undertaken 4 to 5 times per week, at a moderate pace, has proven immensely beneficial for my well-being. Furthermore, it’s essential to address the potential issue of muscle loss, which can occur when physical activity decreases during cancer…

  • Cancer,  My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    Cancer and Chemotherapy: A Powerful Journey to Recovery

    Let’s talk about My Cancer & Chemol On Monday 21st September 2020 I underwent a CT scan on my thorax; and on the 29th, Dr T Nakos told me that I did indeed have cancer. A few days later Dr J R Jones, a Consultant Haematologist, confirmed the diagnosis; I had B-cell Lymphoma Cancer. My first thought was ‘game over’ My second was ‘you bloody drama queen!’  After the initial shock of being told I had cancer, I felt numb; then slowly emotions of anger, anxiety and sadness jumbled around inside my head. I felt I had to ask the big question: ‘OK, doc, give it to me straight. How…

  • ppeople rowing on the sea
    Adventures,  Boating / Kayaking,  Cancer,  My Blog

    My Ultimate Kayaking Adventure : Crossing The English Channel both ways

    I embarked on the ultimate kayak journey across the English Channel, paddling from Dungeness, UK to Boulogne, France. Discover tips, routes, and the adventure of a lifetime! BBC . South East Today – Evening News 25.6.2021 – I’m on the Telly!!! On the 3rd February 2021, I completed my chemotherapy treatment for Cancer and rang the Bell. Six months later 3rd August 2021 to celebrate this milestone I paddled a red kayak from Dungeness to Boulogne on the Frech Coast, sporting my “Chemo Curls.” Being featured on the BBC in the South East is a great way to share an inspiring journey with a wider audience. I do my story…

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Live a Life to Die For

This is the remarkable and inspiring true story of a man who went from being a violent criminal and alcoholic to a charity worker, extreme adventurer and World Record holder.