• Cancer,  Recovery,  Speaking

    My Personal Journey to Recovery: Creating a ‘Life You Love’.

    My Journey in Recovery was from Crime, Addiction, and Cancer to Wild Adventures In my recovery journey, I’ve learned that while I cannot always control the events that occur in my life, I have complete control over my responses to those events. It is our response that ultimately determines the outcome. Additionally, I have discovered that building strong social connections within a group or community is incredibly powerful. White knuckled sobriety does not work in extreme and challenging conditions…….. This is the remarkable and inspiring true story of a man who went from being a violent criminal and alcoholic to a charity worker, extreme adventurer and world record holder. Not…

  • My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    Life in the Balance : The Vital Role of Recovery

    Discover how the absence of Recovery impacted one person’s life drastically. Read this compelling story about struggle, survival, and the critical need for recovery to regain control and well-being. My  Recovery from Crime, Addiction, Cancer and Mental Health problems was a challenging and rewarding journey. I cannot always control the events that occur in my life, but I have complete control over my responses to those events. It is our response that ultimately determines the outcome In 1983 after being clean and sober for 2 years I was still holding on tightly to the old ways. My reaction to most situations was to attack first. I had yet another fight or…

  • Cancer,  My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    Cancer and Chemotherapy : My Personal Story of Survival

    Let’s talk about My Cancer & Chemo On Monday 21st September 2020 I underwent a CT scan on my thorax; and on the 29th, Dr T Nakos told me that I did indeed have cancer. A few days later Dr J R Jones, a Consultant Haematologist, confirmed the diagnosis; I had B-cell Lymphoma Cancer. My first thought was ‘game over’ My second was ‘you bloody drama queen!’  After the initial shock of being told I had cancer, I felt numb; then slowly emotions of anger, anxiety and sadness jumbled around inside my head. I felt I had to ask the big question: ‘OK, doc, give it to me straight. How…

  • Recovery,  Speaking

    Inspirational Speaker

    “Live a Life to Die For”. sums up my philosophy I am  an accomplished motivational speaker. One man’s journey in recovery from Crime, Addiction and Cancer to Wild Adventures Having  personal  experiences of expeditions in the Arctic, Rowing the Atlantic, mountains and playing the two highest games of Rugby in history; to relating to challenges people face in recovery and in their everyday lives. My inspiring world of adventure encompasses a wide range; even my self motivation in arduous and extreme conditions, mental and/or physical. Typifying my tenacity or pig-headedness in overcoming the odds. **I need to remind myself that each of us has our own personal mountains to conquer;…

  • My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    I am More Than My Past

    My journey of recovery From crime, addiction and cancer to wild adventures highlights that I am “More than my past”. I wrote and published a book, “Live a Life to Die For”, it’s my story of transformation, I hope that others (maybe you) will read it and understand that there is no limitation to what human beings can achieve. If there is a message to this book it’s that I’m just an ordinary guy who went out and did extraordinary things. Roger, is an Ambassador for ‘Hope and Vision Communities” https://hopeandvision.org.uk/our-supporters/ambassadors. Hope and Vision Communities work with people who have successfully left treatment for addiction but need a new place to call…

  • Adventures,  Climbing / Caving,  Hiking / Trekking,  Mountaineering,  Speaking

    Highest Rugby Match Ever Played at 20,771 ft on Mount Everest 2019

      In April 2019 we trekked in the footsteps of Mallory and Irvine, up the Magic Highway’ to Mt Everest’s Advance Base Camp (ABC3) 6,500m/ 21325ft ; which is just below the North Col to play two games of Rugby on a glacier. Myself and Lesley, trekked and played alongside, Rugby stars Lee Mears, Ollie Phillips, Shane Williams, Tamara Taylor plus 20 inspirational men and women to help raise more than £250,000 for children with disabilities and facing disadvantage across the UK and Ireland. The Rugby Challenge took place across 24 days; our group battled acclimatisation and altitude to play the World Record for highest ever game  of mixed seven-a-side ‘Touch Rugby’ at…

  • Adventures,  Boating / Kayaking,  Marine,  Speaking

    Ocean Rowing: The Ultimate Maritime Challenge

    The Harrowing Realities of Ocean Rowing: A Journey of Endurance and Survival   The Toby Wallace Atlantic Row – January/February 2016 Tragedy struck in the night of February 14th. Location close to 18 29′ N  039 06′ W. over a thousand miles from land. https://my.yb.tl/oceanusrowing Simon gave a loud warning shout, “big wave”. I looked up to see a monster swell coming at us fast out of the dark; it was the size of a two storey building. This rogue wave was arriving from unexpected direction intent on broadsiding our row boat. Not to break over but pummelled through us like a water tornado. The immense power of unstoppable maelstrom of…

  • Adventures,  Camping / Equipment & Accessories,  Expeditions,  Hiking / Trekking,  Hiking / Trekking,  My Blog,  Speaking

    The Polar Race : to the Top of the World

    On April 9th, 2009, I faced an extraordinary challenge— “Probably the World’s Toughest Race” At 61, with 28 years of sobriety strengthening my resolve, I stood alongside my 34-year-old teammate, James Trotman. Embarking on the Race to the North Pole was more than just a contest; it was a daring expedition and the ultimate test of survival in one of Earth’s most breathtaking yet merciless terrains. Our epic odyssey commenced at Resolute Bay, Nunavut, situated precisely at coordinates 74°43’N and 94°53’W. Our ambitious quest? To conquer the formidable 648 kilometers (403 miles) that stretched ahead, aiming to reach the elusive North Magnetic Pole. Furthermore to accomplish this extraordinary feat, we…