man in polar
Recovery,  Speaking

Transform Your Life: Motivational Speaker for Inspiring Growth and Success

Live a Life to Die For”. sums up my philosophy

One man’s journey in recovery from Crime, Addiction and Cancer to Wild Adventures

Having  personal  experiences of expeditions in the Arctic, Rowing the Atlantic, mountains and playing the two highest games of Rugby in history; to relating to challenges people face in recovery and in their everyday lives.

My inspiring world of adventure encompasses a wide range; even my self motivation in arduous and extreme conditions, mental and/or physical. Typifying my tenacity or pig-headedness in overcoming the odds.

**I need to remind myself that each of us has our own personal mountains to conquer; for a few it’s physical, others it’s mental and to some it may be spiritual.

For me, it’s a hotchpotch of all three. I accept that not every event is a positive mind-blowing experience; some are total flops. Flops and Failures are not all about me; they are just events experienced.

My first introduction to bruising failure was at 4 yrs old; I took a tumble whilst learning to ride my bike. It was my own fault; I had taken the stabilisers / training wheels off!

Failing to try, in case you make a mistake, leads to avoiding mistakes which may be the biggest mistake of all. Avoiding or putting things off is the same as delaying a dump until ten minutes before the plane is due to land; it gets you nowhere and pisses everyone off.

I try to remember what is most important; it’s not having everything go right; it’s facing whatever goes wrong!

Today I have a soulmate and wife, Lesley, who brings an expanding family , 4 children & 5 grandkids to the party; plus my daughter, granddaughter & grandson and many good friends. I am now feeling my age and my immortality is starting to creak, but I go on.

               Believe in yourself: your mountain is waiting…

                          Tomorrow is promised to nobody

Use your talents, skills and experiences to deal with life!!!

#livealifetodiefor #cancerresearchuk  #SussexCancerFund  #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx