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First Aid Kit

Always carry a First Aid Kit on any impromptu or guided outdoor adventure!

First Aid Kit / Medical Kit is a collection of supplies and equipment used to give immediate medical treatment, primarily to treat minor injuries, such as cuts, burns, blisters, sprains, and insect bites, as well as provide some relief for pain, fever, diarrhoea, and allergies. A first aid kit can also help you prevent infections and stop bleeding in case of more serious wounds.

There are many types of first aid kits available, depending on your needs and preferences; especially if you are travelling to remote areas or engaging in outdoor activities.. Some fundamentals to consider when choosing a first aid kit >

  • The size and weight of the kit. For solo adventures the best would recommend the Adventurer First Aid Kit. However, if you’re travelling further afield then the Solo Traveller kit is perfect choice.
  • For group adventures, or Mountain Leader Pro First Aid Kit treats more people and therefore would probably be the best.
  • The contents of the kit. You want a kit that has the basic items for treating common injuries and illnesses, such as bandages, gauze, tape, scissors, tweezers, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, painkillers, antihistamines, anti diarrhoea (imodium) tablets, re-hydration sachets (dioalyte), and a thermometer. You may also want to add some extra items that are specific to your destination or activity, such as sunscreen, insect repellent, water purification tablets (oasis), altitude sickness medication (diamox), snake bite kit, or a survival blanket.

Marine First Aid Kits need to be waterproof; as do plasters and guidance sheet; sea sickness tablets (Dramamine or Bonine) are handy!!

You want a kit that is made of sturdy and water resistant material, so it can withstand harsh conditions and protect your supplies from moisture and dirt. You also want a kit that has a clear and organised layout, so you can easily find what you need in an emergency.

I hope this information helps you select the most suitable first aid kit / medical kit for your adventure. Stay safe and have fun!

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