Critical items you ‘Need’ to Survive an Adventure,  Hiking / Trekking,  Hiking / Trekking,  Overlooked Survival Items

Ultimate Head Protection : Buffs, Snoods, and Bandanas in All Weathers

Call it a buff, a snood or a magic scarf; the Wuffleris the ultimate multifunctional headwear for the Adventurous…..

Buff ; a ‘fabric tube’ and they have many different intended ways to keep your neck, face and head warm, dry and protected from the sun.

Snood / neck gaiter/cowl; is a lightweight hybrid of ‘scarf & hood’; protecting your face, head and neck against the sun and wind.

Bandana; is an efficient way to protect you from the sun & wind, often worn as a skull cap or usually as a headband. 

It will keep you warm during the cold winter days and breathable; protecting you from the sun and in the heat  quick drying fabric wicks away moisture.

The versatile Wufflers are proven to be ideal for outdoor enthusiasts – Ramblers, Trekkers, Runners, Mountaineers and extreme Adventurers  

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