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My Love for The Gentle Art of Fly Fishing

Gentle Art of Fly Fishing takes skill, focus and almost meditative patience –

The last gift I received from my mum before she passed away in 1997 at the age of 72 was a fly fishing rod, reel, and special fly line. She also arranged casting lessons with Robin Elwes, who has since become my long-term fishing companion.

An all-encompassing gift, which to me it has become much more; it’s a Legacy that has opened the door for a lifetime of special days for me.

My Mum must have remembered the fun I had experienced fishing as a young boy 45 years before!

I caught my first fish in the late 1950’s. Since then, fishing has held a fascination for me, all my life. Why or how I don’t know; it doesn’t seem to have come from the genes.

Dad was a top class Rugby player, scratch golfer and a very capable cricketer but had no time for fishing.

He thought this ‘phase’ would quickly pass.

No chance I was bitten by the bug.

I started humbly with a long bamboo stick with a line tied directly on one end and a hook attached the other. Such was my passion, I created a company supplying hand tied flies to fellow anglers, Fish4Flies.

So much of your fishing time is gently absorbed watching Mother Nature in action quietly from the bank-side; helping to get things in perspective, giving me feeling of peace and well being.

Music may soothe the savage beast, but fishing ‘calms the soul’. Roger.D

These days I still love fly fishing not just for Trout, also for Carp, Salmon and Sea Trout .

– thanks Mum, you got your boy back…

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