How To's,  My Blog

How to Improve Your Long Distance Running Performance

Mindset MattersPreparation for a long run and an endurance event – begins in your head. …

Time on Your FeetThis training philosophy encourages both novices and experienced athletes, to build endurance gradually.

**Knowledge without mileage is just talk…
• Targeting small goals keeps you moving and boosts your confidence.
• Always start with a ‘warm up routine’; it gets the blood flowing and stretching keeps you more flexible.
• Step up strength, endurance and cardio; by gradually increasing training mileage/workout by 10 percent per week.
• Include light cross-training sessions – swimming, spinning and yoga during your rest days from running.
• Cross training and weight training helps make you a stronger runner
• Biking and swimming will help build the supporting muscles used in running.
• Staying hydrated is crucial; check you’re hydrated by doing the ‘tinkle test’ – use the pee-o-meter colour chart, clearer the better!
• Carbo-load, stores extra glycogen to be released into your muscles during endurance events.
• Don’t alter your diet before, during a race or training run; eat what you normally do.
• If you can’t talk in complete sentences whilst running, lower your pace
• Make your training runs interesting by exploring alternatives – including off road, trail running, hills etc…
• Don’t be stingy – Invest in high-quality running shoes and gear/kit.
• Use Vaseline to minimize friction is being good to yourself! Favourites are nipples, balls and toes!

When you run a half (13.1mi) or full marathon (26.2mi) or ultra (usually from 35mi) your body is hyperactive: as is your nervous system!
• Be aware – there are consequences- -fatigue, chaffing and you pass gas!
• If you are toooo noisy you may upset some- but entertain others.
• Just relax and take farting in your stride.
Running half or full marathon is an incredible feat; enjoy it, be proud of yourself.
“Run Hard – Tread Softly”…. John Hadley 2019 – my running chum since 1983

In 1987, before the advent of today’s chip timing systems (which emerged in the early 2000s), I found myself among 21,485 fellow runners, tightly packed and shoulder-to-shoulder, caught in a logjam at the starting gate.
This unexpected delay added a significant seven minutes to my actual running time!!
Despite the crowded start, each of us proudly relied on our trusty Timex or Casio digital watches to record and track our personal times throughout the race.

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