How To's,  Overlooked Survival Items

Transform Your Workout: Holistic Gym Tips for Total Wellness

Holistic style of training addresses the ‘whole’ person , not just a physical training schedule

Simple Mental – Holistic Gym Tips

• Set realistic goals: build strength, increasing flexibility and boosting endurance
• Create a ‘fitness habit’; don’t skip workouts.
• Always warm up and cool down
• Pre & Post Workout Stretches
• Basic weight-training; push yourself hard, “lift like you mean it”.
• Cardio machines and circuit training gets your heart rate up and increase your blood circulation.
• Always keep hydrated – drink a lot of fluids; before, during and after your workouts.
• Eat a healthily and balanced diet; remember to refuel after your sessions with high-protein snacks and washed down with a drink.
• Each day, try to drink at least 6 to 8 cups or glasses of fluid, including 8 oz of :- a protein shake, coconut water, herbal tea or a low-sugar sports drink.
• Be proud and believe in yourself; your fitness capability will steadily increase; the time and effort will be worth it.
• Rest and recovery are important; take a day off as part of your routine

*If you’re looking cool, cute or cocky at the end of a workout – you weren’t working hard enough!

Time on Your Feet: This training philosophy encourages both novices and experienced athletes, including hikers and trekkers, to build endurance gradually.
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